RECENT rainfall has made little difference to water levels at Mundaring Weir according to the Water Corporation, with the dam sitting at 33 per cent capacity.
Perth’s drinking water dams are at their lowest inflows since records started in 1911, and overall metro dam levels are 12 per cent down from this time last year.
Water Corporation spokeswoman Clare Lugar said a lot more rain was needed to help improve dam levels.
“Perth’s recent rainfall is welcome, but it has made little difference to our dam levels,” she said.
“Declining rainfall over the past decade has meant the soils in our catchment areas are a lot drier than they used to be and act like sponges, soaking up the rainfall.
“Our catchments need a lot more rainfall to soak into the soils and then release water into streams that flow into our dams.”
However, projections for Perth’s rainfall are expected to be above average this winter, with the La Nina climate event expected to begin this month.
Bureau of Meteorology spokesman Neil Bennett said the event was the opposite to El Nino and meant above average rainfall.
“We are looking at a change of climate drivers. El Nino has collapsed and we are moving into a La Nina, which will mean rainfall likely to be above the average,” he said.
Ms Lugar said Perth dams were interconnected and the Water Corporation were able to transfer water from one dam to another to meet operational requirements as well as store ground water and desalinated water in the dams during periods of low demand, so it is available when it is most needed in the hotter months.
She said in the winter months it was important people turn their sprinklers off to conserve water for summer.
“Each year the Winter Sprinkler Ban saves around 4.5 million litres of precious water, enough to fill Subiaco Oval to its goalposts more than four times,” she said.
For tips on how to be waterwise visit